Chapter 22: Isolation and Structural Studies on Chemical Constituents Form Some Plants and Marine Organisms of Pakistan Book Title: Natural Products Chemistry III by
- Chapter Author(s): Viqar Uddin Ahmad*, Mohammad Shaiq Ali, Nasreen Bano, Shaheen Bano, Ayjaz Fatima, Iqbal Fatima, Kaniz Fizza, Tanveer Ahmad Farooqui , M. Aslam Khan, Shaista Parveen, Sabina qazi, Tahir Rasheed, Ghahzala Rizwani, Viqar Sultana, K. Usmannghani and Shafiuddin
- Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rahman, Philip W. Le Quesne
Publication details: New York Springer-Verlag 1988
Availability: Items available for reference: The National Library of Chemical Sciences, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry (HEJ) Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: QD-415.A1-.N38-1988.
Chapter 23: Isolation and structural studies on chemical constituents from some plants and marine organisms of Pakistan . Book Title: Perspectives in natural products chemistry. by
- Chapter Author(s): VU.Ahmad,M.S.Ali, Nasreen Bano, Shaheen Bano,Ayjaz Fatima, Iqbal Fatiima, Kaniz Fizza, T.A.Farooqui, M.A. Khan, Shahista Perveen , Sabiha Qazi, T.Rasheed, Ghazala Rizwan, Viqar Sultana, K. Usmanghani and Shafiuddin
- Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rehman and Philips William Le Quesne
Publication details: Karachi HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry 1988
Availability: Items available for reference: The National Library of Chemical Sciences, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry (HEJ) Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: aQD-415.2-.P47-1988.