Chapter 7:Relationship between structure of plasma proteins and their metal complexes. | Book Title:Protein Structure-Function relationship.
Chapter Author(s):A.M.El-Naggar, M.R.Zaher, F.A.Kora and I.A.Mahdi Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Z.H.Zaidi
Chapter 7:Relationship between structure of plasma proteins and their metal complexes. Book Title:Protein Structure-Function relationship. - Elsevier Science Publisher 1988 - Page(s) 73-85
Plasma proteins Metal complexes
QD430 / .P7 1988
Chapter 7:Relationship between structure of plasma proteins and their metal complexes. Book Title:Protein Structure-Function relationship. - Elsevier Science Publisher 1988 - Page(s) 73-85
Plasma proteins Metal complexes
QD430 / .P7 1988