Chapter 6: Therapeutic treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Using Metal ComplexingAgents | Book Title: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery
Chapter Author(s): Katherine A. Price, Peler J. Crouch and Anthony R. White Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rahman, M.Iqbal Choudhary
Chapter 6: Therapeutic treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Using Metal ComplexingAgents Book Title: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Netherlands Bentham-e-Books 2010 - Page(s) 106-122
RM341.A64 / F76 2010
Chapter 6: Therapeutic treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Using Metal ComplexingAgents Book Title: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Netherlands Bentham-e-Books 2010 - Page(s) 106-122
RM341.A64 / F76 2010